Customized Slip Ring Types for Medical Equipment

2023-06-25 22:56 JINPAT Electronics

As a leading international manufacturer ofslip rings, JINPAT has the capability to develop slip rings for all types ofprecision medical equipment, making it a promising supplier of slip ringsolutions for precision medical devices. Compared to other fields ofelectromechanical equipment, slip rings for precision medical instruments havetheir own unique characteristics. Based on years of experience providingproduct solutions to upstream manufacturers, JINPAT can classify these sliprings according to their product features and application terminals.

Slip rings for medical equipment are highlycustomized in the technical field. Based on the characteristics of slip ringproducts, common slip rings for medical equipment can be classified into threemajor categories: high-speed slip rings, super miniature slip rings, and fiberoptic slip rings.

Firstly, high-speed slip rings for medicalequipment include the most representative product, the pulse signal slip ring. JINPAToffers pulse signal slip rings with a limited number of channels, but therotational speed is typically above 1000rpm, with a maximum speed of up to5000rpm. JINPAT has successfully mass-produced high-speed slip rings withspeeds of up to 20,000rpm, making it almost effortless to handle medicalequipment slip rings below 5000rpm.

Next, super miniature slip rings are acategory that JINPAT specializes in. The LPMS series slip rings have a minimumdiameter of only 5.5mm and even possess the technology for 4.5mm diameter sliprings. This ultra-small diameter allows them to be installed in extremelycompact capsule endoscopes and other small-scale medical instruments. A typicalapplication is in self-built small rodent electroencephalogram recordingdevices in biological laboratories. The standard models of LPMS series productssupport the mixed transmission of power and signals, and for products withmultiple channels, they also support the integration of signals such as SDI,USB 2.0, and Gigabit Ethernet, meeting the demands of the market forminiaturization and micro-sizing of certain special medical devices.

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Lastly, there are fiber optic slip rings andoptoelectronic integrated slip rings. JINPAT has developed various types offiber optic slip rings. The demand for fiber optic slip rings in medicalequipment mainly focuses on single-channel slip rings. JINPAT has developedmultiple types of single-channel fiber optic slip rings in different shapes,fully meeting the needs of the current market for independent installation orintegrated use of medical equipment. In addition to standalone usage, fiberoptic slip rings are often integrated with JINPAT various small to medium-sizedhigh-speed conductive slip rings. For example, larger diameter products likeLPFO-01G can be integrated into the LPT series, while models such as LPFO-01A/Ccan be fully integrated into the LPC-T series capsule slip rings with through-holes.Compared to optoelectronic integrated slip rings from other manufacturers, JINPATsimilar products have advantages in terms of electrical and mechanicalperformance, cost control, and delivery lead time.